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  • Candid Properties hosts decennial celebration

    Candid Properties hosts decennial celebration 1/5 Share GK CRONJE 3 November 2020 Mr. EJ Ndlovu, has through hard work, excellent service and unwavering dedication to its clients, built a rapidly expanding estate agency which now comprises of offices and property practitioners in Ermelo, Emalahleni and Secunda in its real estate repertoire. On Saturday, Candid Properties, a well-known estate agency in Ermelo, celebrated their 10 year anniversary. Starting from humble beginnings, the director and principal, Mr. EJ Ndlovu, has through hard work, excellent service and unwavering dedication to its clients, built a rapidly expanding estate agency which now comprises of offices and property practitioners in Ermelo, Emalahleni and Secunda in its real estate repertoire. During the event, the energy from Mr. Ndlovu and his team was tangible, and the feeling of camaraderie and friendship was evident. Heartfelt speeches from Mr. Ndlovu, Pastor Bhembe, Mrs. ME Nkosi and Dr. MP Zwane lit up the event, with Ms. NE Kunene delivering the welcome speech. Under the leadership of Mr. Ndlovu, clients can expect prompt, professional and exceptional service from the Candid Properties team. Candid Properties would like to thank their client base for the ongoing support and unwavering friendship. As a final word of thanks, Candid Properties extends their warmest welcome to all new clients who wish to rent, sell or lease property, and would like to thank the community of Ermelo for their support in the continued success of Candid Properties. You may view more photo’s and video’s on their Facebook page, Candid Properties. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Duvenage represents MPU in reality show

    Duvenage represents MPU in reality show 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 15 November 2022 The show is filled with all the emotions, drama and suspense one would expect from a world-class reality show. Entries for Master Mechanic Season 2 closed in mid-August, with filming of the reality show wrapping in September and being released on 18 November on MF Master Mechanic YouTube and Facebook, supported by all major social media channels. All episodes will be released at once for viewers to binge watch. Six technicians will compete in three teams of two (red, black and grey) for a R100 000 grand prize. The winning team will also be afforded a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit and train at the Massey Ferguson Beauvais factory in France where the Massey Ferguson high horsepower tractors are manufactured. The team selection will be announced in the first episode of four. The epic final challenge will see the teams attempt to successfully replicate a giant version of the iconic Massey Ferguson Triple Triangle logo by means of a MF 8S equipped with a 2 000 litre Eco Ranger sprayer with 12m booms and eight sections, spraying at 450 litres per hectare. Rate and section control are provided by the Massey Ferguson 8S OEM Data Tronic 5 screen, linked to the ISOBUS Liquid control system. Filter Dienste in Bethal, Mpumalanga is proudly represented by Jacques Duvenage, who says: “I get so much joy solving challenges. I get to learn new things all the time and apply the knowledge I gained to solve the next challenge as effectively. I enjoy working with the MF tractors. I know I am up for the Master Mechanic challenge as I understand diagnostics and technology.” Master Mechanic is designed and filmed in such a way that anyone can understand, together with some special items for those ‘seasoned’ technicians to enjoy. It is filled with all the emotions, drama and suspense one would expect from a world-class reality show. Be sure to subscribe to watch as the best MF mechanics go head-to-head for what they love and believe in: The MF brand. Follow our social media channels below and support your favourite teams! < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Geen gedwonge inenting vanaf werkgewers

    Geen gedwonge inenting vanaf werkgewers 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 22 June 2021 “Voorts is elke persoon ingevolge ons Grondwet op liggaamlike integriteit geregtig, wat beteken dat elke persoon dan ook die reg het om oorwegend self te besluit oor enige moontlike gesondheids- of mediese intervensies.” Enige algemeen-geldende besluit om inenting verpligtend te maak, sal onwettig wees. Solidariteit het ʼn omvattende regsmening van eksterne advokate bekend gemaak wat wys dat enige eensydige besluit om inenting verpligtend in die werkplek te maak, nie in ʼn hof sal steek hou nie. Solidariteit het ook met ʼn omvattende proses onder sy lede begin om ʼn mandaat te kry om enige sodanige algemeen-geldende besluit van werkgewers om inenting verpligtend te maak, te beveg. “Volgens die regsmening is dit duidelik dat werkgewers binne die arbeidsregsraamwerk moet funksioneer, en dat dié raamwerk nie voorsiening maak vir verpligte entstoftoediening aan werknemers nie,” sê dr. Dirk Hermann, bestuurshoof van Solidariteit. “Voorts is elke persoon ingevolge ons Grondwet op liggaamlike integriteit geregtig, wat beteken dat elke persoon dan ook die reg het om oorwegend self te besluit oor enige moontlike gesondheids- of mediese intervensies.” Solidariteit voer aan dat terwyl sommige proponente van verpligte werkplekinenting graag aanvoer dat die werkgewer ingevolge die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en Veiligheid (No. 85 van 1993) sodanige reg het, skryf die wet egter voor dat daar ʼn behoorlike konsultasieproses met ʼn werknemer moet plaasvind, en dat alle moontlike remedies eers uitgeput moet word alvorens ʼn werkgewer drastiese stappe mag oorweeg. “Nadat ons deur navrae oor verpligte inenting by werkplekke oorval is, het ons die regsmening ingewin. Volgens die opinie is dit duidelik dat die voordeel van keuse sterk ten gunste van ʼn werknemer sal wees,” verduidelik Hermann. “Dit is eenvoudig onwettig vir ʼn werkgewer om ʼn werknemer te verplig om ingeënt te word, en daar kan selfs geargumenteer word dat dit strafregtelik en grondwetlik inbreuk maak op elke individu se persoonlike reg tot liggaamlike integriteit. Ons sal nie huiwer om ons lede met die volle mag van die reg te beskerm, indien werkgewers sulke drastiese besluite neem nie,” sluit Hermann af. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Black Tool Music explodes on MPU radio stations

    Black Tool Music explodes on MPU radio stations 1/1 Share CONTENT SUPPLIED 7 July 2020 These artists have contributed with different genres and these are, Soul Music, African Jazz, Musical Poetry, Afro Pop and Reggae. The project is a sign of unity, working together and promoting social cohesion according to Black Tool Music. Introducing the album, one of the artists from the project have been appointed to release a single track that will alert the world about this upcoming album, and that is The Composition Band. A live music entertainment group, Black Tool Music in Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal, is proud to present its first music collaboration album titled, The Big 5, to be released in June 2021. The album is a collection of five different upcoming artists, which includes The Composition Band, Luyanda EM, Buyiswayo Imbongi Yabaphansi, Seluleko Zulu and MC Macphera. These artists have contributed with different genres and these are, Soul Music, African Jazz, Musical Poetry, Afro Pop and Reggae. The project is a sign of unity, working together and promoting social cohesion according to Black Tool Music. Introducing the album, one of the artists from the project have been appointed to release a single track that will alert the world about this upcoming album, and that is The Composition Band. The band released a soul type of a song, titled Love Prayer, in September 2019 on all digital stores. Today, Black Tool Music is proud to see a positive successful path for the upcoming album due to the outcome results for the released single as to introduce The Big 5 album. The single has been playlisted on all online radio platforms such as Indie radio, radio airplay and many more radio stations across the world as a whole. In addition, Mpumalanga Province seemed to be with the most fans, with the single being featured on Ligwa FM and Rise FM. The single is also expected to hit local radio stations as popularity grows. "Our plan was to release the album in June 2020, however, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to postpone. Although this became a challenge, on the other hand it became a positive move giving us more time for creative planning and for more sponsors to pop up for this project. In a very short time period, the project already has at least three sponsors from companies and individuals. Mr. Cele, a local traditional leader is one individual sponsor, and Ayishawa Grafics and Big Bone Studio are the two company sponsors. These are highly profiled sponsors, and it shows a big step forward and success for Black Tool Music album project. It is a huge project and more sponsors are still expected.” said Mhlengi Nkonzo Mlotshwa, the album project manager All music lovers are encouraged to stay alert by doing a close observation on this album titled THE BIG 5 by Black Tool Music. Searching and following the project on all social media platforms will get them in. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • AfriForum TEKS verbeter radio netwerk

    AfriForum TEKS verbeter radio netwerk 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 14 Julie 2020 Dié netwerk sluit ‘n hoëbandstelsel vir dorpsbewoners en patrolleerders in. “Doeltreffende radionetwerke is van kardinale belang om veiligheid in gemeenskappe en op plase te verbeter. Dit help dat veiligheidsinstansies vinnig kan reageer in geval van nood,” sê Pretorius. Dawie de Villiers, AfriForum TEKS-tak se veiligheidsvoorsitter. Bronwen Pretorius, distrikskoördineerder van AfriForum vir die Hoëveld, het aangekondig dat AfriForum se TEKS-tak, wat Trichardt, Evander, Kinross en Secunda insluit, onlangs herhalers opgerig om ‘n radionetwerk aan sy lede op die dorp en op plase beskikbaar te stel. Dié netwerk sluit ‘n hoëbandstelsel vir dorpsbewoners en patrolleerders in. “Doeltreffende radionetwerke is van kardinale belang om veiligheid in gemeenskappe en op plase te verbeter. Dit help dat veiligheidsinstansies vinnig kan reageer in geval van nood,” sê Pretorius. Dawie de Villiers, AfriForum TEKS-tak se veiligheidsvoorsitter. Diéhet gesê hulle moedig die gemeenskap aan om by AfriForum se tak- en veiligheidstrukture aan te sluit om ‘n veilige toekoms te help skep. Inwoners in nood kan AfriForum kantak by 079 488 7608. Om by AfriForum se veiligheistrukture betrokke te raak en te help om jou gemeenskap te beveilig, SMS jou naam na 45350. ‘n SMS kos R1. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo stoeiers gemaak van staal

    Ermelo stoeiers gemaak van staal 1/3 Share GK CRON JE 19 October 2021 Die Ermelo Mpumalanga stoeispan het hul staal gewys, en die gemeenskap trots gemaak met puik prestasies tydens die SA’s. Die Ermelo Mpumalanga stoeispan het hul staal gewys, en die gemeenskap trots gemaak met puik prestasies tydens die SA’s. Woldermar Winkler en Lohan van Niekerk, beide o/9, AJ van Niekerk (o/11), Carlo van Staden en WP Human (beide o/13) en Teghan Breytenbach (o/15) het puik presteer, en bewys dat harde werk en dedikasie sappige vrugte werp. Woldermar het brons verower in die Presidente afdeling onder 42KG. AJ het silwer huistoe geneem in die o/11 vrystyl onder 55KG, WP palm brons in vir die o/13 vrystyl onder 57KG, asook 5de plasing in die Presidente afdeling. Laastens, maar nie die minste nie, het Teghan die stoeiers ore aangesit in die o/15 Griek Romyns onder 68KG met brons, en neem ook 4de plek in met die vrystyl afdeling. Die Ermelo Stoeiklub nooi graag alle belangstellendes om navraag te doen en betrokke te raak by dié sport. Alle ouderdomsgroepe is welkom om aan te sluit. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Easter fun at reimagined Veltman Park

    Easter fun at reimagined Veltman Park 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2021 If you’d like to get involved in this project, feel free to contact Maryke on 079 917 4306, or Silvija on 082 905 7272. The Msukaligwa Business & Community Forum (MB&CF) recently unveiled their plans to rehabilitate the dilapidated Veltman Park in De Bruin Street. The organization aims to repair and add many features that had been lost over years of neglect, and the fun-filled egg hunt showed off the potential of the park. Laughter and excitement filled the air on Saturday, as Veltman Park crawled with eager Easter egg hunters. The MB&CF envisions a safe and peaceful area where residents can enjoy themselves without the hooliganism and drunken tomfoolery of unruly and lawless residents. Ben Greyling of Sakuma Engineering had offered to construct new playground equipment, with Neil Mattieson of Tidius Garden Services tending to the shrubbery. Ermelo Phoenix Rotary Club and various other roleplayers are involved in the project, who will be thanked in an upcoming article that will detail the plans for the park. The MB&CF had also categorically stated that it has measures that will be put in place to prevent loitering and public drinking in the park, and to ensure that it is a safe area for children to enjoy themselves. If you’d like to get involved in this project, feel free to contact Maryke on 079 917 4306, or Silvija on 082 905 7272. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MSV Holdings gives back to community

    MSV Holdings gives back to community 1/30 Share GK CRONJE 6 July 2021 MSV Holdings, a road marking contractor from Piet Retief, made a substantial donation to the learners of the school. As part of giving back to the community, Mr. Vusi Nkosi of MSV Holdings (Pty) Ltd, in partnership with the main contractor, VEA Roads, maintaining R35-1 & R35-2, recently donated various items to Sizakhele Primary School. MSV Holdings, a road marking contractor from Piet Retief, made a substantial donation to the learners of the school, which included 28 pairs of school shoes, 25 pairs of school jerseys and a blistering 2 759 sanitary pads to make the lives of various learners much easier. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MEC Mashilo cuts underperforming contractors

    MEC Mashilo cuts underperforming contractors 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 18 August 2022 MEC Mashilo lamented the poor performance as a continuous threat to budget cuts. Poor performing contractors doing business with the Department of Human Settlements in Mpumalanga came under severe hammering at a meeting by MEC Speedy Mashilo. He called an urgent meeting this week following the Department’s first quarter review session. Mashilo reminded contractors that their performance reflects on quality and efficacy of Department's service delivery. Accompanied by senior management, MEC Mashilo wanted to understand and make sense of their challenges owing to their apparent poor performance. The meeting also sought to craft solutions and necessary interventions to improving performance. Speaking at the session, MEC Mashilo lamented the poor performance as a continuous threat to budget cuts. “Your performance is below par, thus we must take action in order to get everyone up to speed. Your failure is our failure and it bears National Treasury ramifications of budget reduction, thus cannot be tolerated”, lamented Mashilo. He added that terminations and scope work reduction are not his obsessions. However, if needs be the Department will be forced to exercise its rights under the contracts. In airing their challenges, some contractors cited lack of services such as water from their sites, and thus increasing building costs. The issue of the subsidy quantum was also mentioned as a contributing factor owing to inflation and rising costs of building materials However, Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi recently announced increased quantum of various programmes, including houses that now costs R139 000, to cater for this challenge. The delay in payments was also reflected as another huge impediment, and could be attributed to incorrectly completed invoices. As such, contractors were advised to exercise due diligence when completing and submitting their invoices. Notwithstanding these issues, MEC Mashilo urged them to be mindful of the Department's targets, and set their delivery within that period. In no uncertain terms, he stressed the need to adhere to contractual agreement. “We need to deliver on time, the people have been patient enough with us. This poor performance is hitting hard and adversely on the poor beneficiaries of our service. Thus, we need to be more sensitive to their plight as we go on with our work”, urged Mashilo. Taking cognisance of issues raised, MEC Mashilo called on officials to also assist contractors, and not appear as setting them up for failure in their delivery. It was further stressed that contractors ought to strengthen their social facilitation and stakeholder management functions to avoid any form of project disruptions. A clear undertaking was made that all outstanding invoices should be paid by Friday, 19 August 2022. Contractors that have failed to demonstrate capacity and sound schedule for completion of projects, will receive letters of reduction of scope. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Bethal SPCA requires urgent assistance

    Bethal SPCA requires urgent assistance 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 27 July 2021 Our monthly expenses range between R40 000 and R50 000 per month. We have an active Adopt a Kennel program in place, and any donations can generate an 18a tax receipt. Media Statement - Bethal SPCA has been in operation for over 25 years, serving the communities of Bethal, eMzoneni and Davel. Presently, we are also servicing Kriel, Standerton and as far afield as Ermelo. We have been in operation with no support from local government (Govan Mbeki Municipality), and a little support from the local community. We are now in imminent danger of closing our doors due to lack of funds. There is no other animal welfare organization operating in said areas, and therefore it is vital to keep our doors open. Municipalities are legally obligated to provide the community with a sustainable animal pound, to provide a safe environment for stray animals. However, we do not receive any funding for tirelessly providing this service, and the municipality has failed to pay for these services. We have a small management committee that works hard at trying to raise funds, however, in these economic times, it is very difficult to sustain the service we provide for the community. We are an essential service, attending to emergencies, cruelty complaints, routine facility inspections, collection of strays and unwanted animals, as well as hosting regular outreach clinics, educating the public, and arranging sterilization and vaccination drives. If we no longer exist, what is going to happen to all of these functions, not to mention the abandoned, lost and abused animals? We need members of the community, as well as businesses, to become actively involved in helping us survive. Our monthly expenses range between R40 000 and R50 000 per month. We have four paid staff members, and one part time staff member. Our staff members are loyal, overworked and passionate, and we cannot afford to lose them. We have an active Adopt a Kennel program in place, and any donations can generate an 18a tax receipt. The animals depend on YOU to keep the SPCA operational. We are grateful to the community that generously donate dog and cat food, as well as diesel for our vehicles, but to make Bethal SPCA sustainable, financial support is needed urgently. Please consider making a donation into our bank account, or contact us regarding ways to help us. Our banking details are as follows: Account name: SPCA Bethal, account number: 03 103 325 3, type of account: current/cheque, bank: Standard Bank, with branch code: 05 25 44. Please be part of the solution! With any enquiries, you may contact Barbara Mitton, Vice Chairperson, Bethal SPCA, on 082 496 1501, or via e-mail, . < Previous Article Next Article >

  • EN Building Supplies Ermelo kondig wenner aan

    EN Building Supplies Ermelo kondig wenner aan 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 23 Junie 2020 EN Building Supplies Ermelo het ‘n kompetisie geloots in samewerking met Dulux, waar jy enige Dulux produkte kon koop vir R1 000 of meer, en kwalifiseer om ‘n patio verwarmer te wen. EN Building Supplies Ermelo het ‘n kompetisie geloots in samewerking met Dulux, waar jy enige Dulux produkte kon koop vir R1 000 of meer, en kwalifiseer om ‘n patio verwarmer te wen. Martin du Preez, of beter bekend as Mossel van Azucron, was die gelukkige wenner van die verwarmer. Op die foto verskyn Mossel, saam met Cornelius van der Merwe van EN Building Supplies. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ligbron groet oud-Liggie onderwyseres

    Ligbron groet oud-Liggie onderwyseres 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 29 September 2020 Verskeie boodskappe het net gewys in hoeveel mense se harte die Roodt egpaar werklik in geklim het, en watter lewenservaringe elke persoon van hulle geleer het. “Rus sag, Anita. Jy gaan baie gemis word.” Die afsterwe van Juf. Anita Roodt op Sondag, 27 September 2020, lê swaar op die Liggies se harte. Anita het ‘n groot rol in die gemeenskap gespeel, en voor haar aftrede saam haar man, Herman Roodt, het hulle baie diep spore in Ligbron getrap. Vele oud-Liggies maak steeds melding van die invloed wat dié egpaar in hulle lewens gehad het. Juffrou Anita was 'n legende in haar tyd, en was baie bekend vir die musiekblyspele wat sy saam met mnr. Herman by Ligbron so suksesvol aangepak het. Die Liggies dink met die grootste waardering aan haar terug, en bid vir haar geliefdes troos en sterkte toe. Hené Swanepoel ‘n oud-Liggie het so ‘n spesiale boodskap op Anita se Facebook blad gelos, en dit het presies vir Anita beskryf, en hoe baie mense haar gesien het: “Liewe Jesus het gekies om vandag hierdie legende te kom haal ❤ Liefste juffrou Roodt, juffrou was nog altyd my rolmodel in die onderwys, mag ek juffrou se fantastiese gees op kultuur vlak en met tieners voluit voort leef in my onderwys jare!!! So bly ons kon laasjaar vir oulaas lekker kuier!! Rus sag by Jesus!! Love you always❤ ”. Verskeie ander boodskappe het net gewys in hoeveel mense se harte die Roodt egpaar werklik in geklim het, en watter lewenservaringe elke persoon van hulle geleer het. “Rus sag, Anita. Jy gaan baie gemis word.” < Previous Article Next Article >

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