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  • Beware of fuel tablet hoax

    Beware of fuel tablet hoax 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 2 August 2022 "So, really it's a pyramid scheme and a scam more than anything else, unfortunately." Social media has exploded with the new ‘miracle tablet’ that claims to reduce your fuel consumption by up to 25%, while apparently boosting your engine’s efficiency. The B-Eco fuel tablets are manufactured by a company called Pro-One. The brand was co-founded by South African businessman Lawrence Kahn, and claims to approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency. He said the pills save petrol by lowering the temperature at which the fuel burns. However, neither the brand, nor manufacturer can be located on the approval list of gasoline additives. The company’s ‘brand ambassadors’ are put to task selling the tablets, which are R100 per tablet. Research done by Sasol Fuels Application Centre has proven that the product is a waste of money, and may lead to the cancellation of your warranty due to the risks your engine is exposed to. Senior engineer and researcher, Adrian Velears, urges citizens to steer clear of this tablet, and knockoff tablets like these. “I don't think your manufacturer would approve it. They wouldn't honour your warranty if they knew you were putting such things in your car and something went wrong. So, from that point of view, it's not safe. It doesn't work at all. It's not only a matter of risk, it's a matter of they don't do anything. So, really it's a pyramid scheme and a scam more than anything else, unfortunately,” he stated. Mikel Mabasa, CEO of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa, also released a statement regarding the tablet. “Besides the fact that local authorities have not tested these products as part of South Africa’s current emissions standards, they simply do not work. Consumers are advised to check with the manufacturers of their vehicles first before they inject any foreign properties into their tanks or engines. Vehicles are manufactured to specific standards, and they are supposed to use prescribed products approved by the manufacturer for the efficacy and longevity of the engine,” Mabasa said. “It is highly unlikely that the products South Africans are being sold can better fuel consumption. If they do, and do not contain the problematic ingredients mentioned, then South Africa has finally developed the product companies worldwide have been trying to develop for decades,” The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, concluded. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Jumping back on the nuclear horse

    Jumping back on the nuclear horse 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 16 June 2020 The renewed vigor for nuclear energy comes as a surprise, as government dropped controversial plans to build eight nuclear power stations. These dubious deals had been initiated by former president Jacob Zuma, and has come under extreme scrutiny amidst serious allegations of corruption. According to statements from the energy ministry, South Africa is planning a 2 500 megawatt civil nuclear programme in an attempt to solve the country's electricity supply problem. “Given the long lead-time of building additional new nuclear capacity, upfront planning is necessary for security of energy supply to society into the future,” the ministry stated. South Africa is the only country in Africa to have a civil nuclear programme. The two reactors at the Koeberg power plant have been in service for more than 30 years, producing 4 percent of the country's total energy. At this time, 90 percent of the country's electricity is generated from coal-fired stations that are dilapidated due to poor maintenance, vandalism and aging. The renewed vigor for nuclear energy comes as a surprise, as government dropped controversial plans to build eight nuclear power stations. These dubious deals had been initiated by former president Jacob Zuma, and has come under extreme scrutiny amidst serious allegations of corruption. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • COSATU throws weight behind NUMSA strike

    COSATU throws weight behind NUMSA strike 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 7 October 2021 Metalworkers union NUMSA had commenced its national strike on Tuesday, which will continue indefinitely until demands are met. The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) stated that it will take part in the strike today to putpressure on the government and private sector to pay more attention to the working class. The strike has been slated as a "one day participation" by COSATU. “The federation is issuing a call to all workers and South Africans to join the strike. They can either join the planned activities across the country, or withdraw their labour by staying at home on the day,” said COSATU spokesperson, Sizwe Pamla. He said the union was demanding urgent action from policy makers in the government, as well as the private sector, to ensure that workers receive their dues. “Both the public and the private sector have been blatantly undermining collective bargaining. We want the reversal of budget cuts that have led to an unacceptable wage freeze in the public service, the disintegration of the CCMA, and retrenchments in state-owned companies,” Pamla said. Metalworkers union NUMSA had commenced its national strike on Tuesday, which will continue indefinitely until demands are met. The union demands an 8% wage increase for workers, and have accused employers of using the pandemic as an excuse to sidestep lawfully stipulated annual salary increases. An estimated 430 000 workers across 9 000 steel and engineering companies countrywide will down tools in solidarity. NUMSA spokesperson, Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, stated that all their members are fed up with the fact that the employers refuse to give them a meaningful increase. Therefore they are demanding an 8% wage increase across the board. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Refineries bogged down by demand

    Refineries bogged down by demand 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 16 June 2020 Although production had ramped up at the refineries, and product imports had arrived in South African ports, the challenges remain. Neither Mantashe, nor parliament's portfolio committee on mineral resources and energy chairperson, Sahlulele Luzipo, had responded to the DA's request for an urgent briefing on what was being done to mitigate this crisis. The DA remains extremely concerned at the lack of response from mineral resources and energy minister, Gwede Mantashe, regarding the ongoing diesel shortages being experienced around South Africa. Numerous wholesalers and retailers experiences difficulty in obtaining resupply. Although production had ramped up at the refineries, and product imports had arrived in South African ports, the challenges remain. Neither Mantashe, nor parliament's portfolio committee on mineral resources and energy chairperson, Sahlulele Luzipo, had responded to the DA's request for an urgent briefing on what was being done to mitigate this crisis. Deputy director-general for petroleum and petroleum products regulation, Tseliso Maqubela, had confirmed that diesel was currently being rationed. “Minimal refining capacity is online, and there is very limited imported stock arriving on our shores. According to reports, three of South Africa’s six refineries are yet to restart operations, two are in limited production, and the PetroSA facility had halted production temporarily due to product contamination and pipeline failures. This means that diesel is likely to be rationed for the foreseeable future. Given the lengthy lead time to procure, ship, offload and distribute fuel stock, it makes sense to hold sufficient reserves in the country to offset any potential supply chain interruptions.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • TLU demands clarity on hunting regulations

    TLU demands clarity on hunting regulations 1/0 Share GK CRONJE 4 August 2020 “We urge the department and government to explain why these regulations were revised,” says Mr. Meintjes. “Farmers are already fed up with the impact of the lockdown while government depends on them to continue with food production. The day will come when farmers cannot supply the demand anymore.” Media Statement - TLU SA demands an explanation about the revised regulations published in the Government Gazette on Tuesday which prohibits interprovincial travel for hunting. The department of environment, forestry and fisheries also put an end to accommodation for hunters with the regulations. “It is utterly reckless and irrational to publish these types of regulations,” says Mr. Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “This is another economic blow for game farmers who’ve had massive losses because of the regulations during the first week of the lockdown. Our members already accepted deposits and made arrangements for hunters from other provinces who would have hunted with them. The risk for the spread of COVID-19 in remote areas, where people have little contact with each other, is minimal.” Game farmers had to forfeit the income from international hunters this year and depended on local hunters to have at least some form of revenue during the hunting season. Now they have minimal opportunity to earn an income and keep their farms running. It will have an impact on employment as well. In April Wildlife Ranching South Africa reported that the limitations had negatively impacted 67% of all employers in the game industry. In many rural areas, the local economy depends on hunters and game farmers spending money in the town or district. It keeps the local community alive. “We urge the department and government to explain why these regulations were revised,” says Mr. Meintjes. “Farmers are already fed up with the impact of the lockdown while government depends on them to continue with food production. The day will come when farmers cannot supply the demand anymore.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Excellence has its rewards

    Excellence has its rewards 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 22 June 2021 These top honours are nothing to be scoffed at, and BMW Ermelo ousted stiff competition to nab the award. With great pride, BMW Ermelo has announced that they have been awarded the Sales Retailer Of The Year 2020 in their category. This coveted title is extremely sought after, and is a display of pure determination, client service and customer care. Adding to the achievement, the Aftersales Division was awarded runners up for both 2019 and 2020. These top honours are nothing to be scoffed at, and BMW Ermelo ousted stiff competition to nab the award. The award and certificates were handed over at a prestigious gala event by the MD of BMW South Africa, held at the Saxon Hotel in Sandton. BMW Ermelo would like to extend their deepest gratitude to their valued clients, and would like to invite everyone to become part of the BMW Lifestyle. BMW Ermelo may be contacted on 017 811 2242, or simply send an e-mail to . Find us on Facebook - BMW Ermelo, and on Instagram - @bmwermelo. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • AfriForum TEKS verbeter radio netwerk

    AfriForum TEKS verbeter radio netwerk 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 14 Julie 2020 Dié netwerk sluit ‘n hoëbandstelsel vir dorpsbewoners en patrolleerders in. “Doeltreffende radionetwerke is van kardinale belang om veiligheid in gemeenskappe en op plase te verbeter. Dit help dat veiligheidsinstansies vinnig kan reageer in geval van nood,” sê Pretorius. Dawie de Villiers, AfriForum TEKS-tak se veiligheidsvoorsitter. Bronwen Pretorius, distrikskoördineerder van AfriForum vir die Hoëveld, het aangekondig dat AfriForum se TEKS-tak, wat Trichardt, Evander, Kinross en Secunda insluit, onlangs herhalers opgerig om ‘n radionetwerk aan sy lede op die dorp en op plase beskikbaar te stel. Dié netwerk sluit ‘n hoëbandstelsel vir dorpsbewoners en patrolleerders in. “Doeltreffende radionetwerke is van kardinale belang om veiligheid in gemeenskappe en op plase te verbeter. Dit help dat veiligheidsinstansies vinnig kan reageer in geval van nood,” sê Pretorius. Dawie de Villiers, AfriForum TEKS-tak se veiligheidsvoorsitter. Diéhet gesê hulle moedig die gemeenskap aan om by AfriForum se tak- en veiligheidstrukture aan te sluit om ‘n veilige toekoms te help skep. Inwoners in nood kan AfriForum kantak by 079 488 7608. Om by AfriForum se veiligheistrukture betrokke te raak en te help om jou gemeenskap te beveilig, SMS jou naam na 45350. ‘n SMS kos R1. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo stoeiers gemaak van staal

    Ermelo stoeiers gemaak van staal 1/3 Share GK CRON JE 19 October 2021 Die Ermelo Mpumalanga stoeispan het hul staal gewys, en die gemeenskap trots gemaak met puik prestasies tydens die SA’s. Die Ermelo Mpumalanga stoeispan het hul staal gewys, en die gemeenskap trots gemaak met puik prestasies tydens die SA’s. Woldermar Winkler en Lohan van Niekerk, beide o/9, AJ van Niekerk (o/11), Carlo van Staden en WP Human (beide o/13) en Teghan Breytenbach (o/15) het puik presteer, en bewys dat harde werk en dedikasie sappige vrugte werp. Woldermar het brons verower in die Presidente afdeling onder 42KG. AJ het silwer huistoe geneem in die o/11 vrystyl onder 55KG, WP palm brons in vir die o/13 vrystyl onder 57KG, asook 5de plasing in die Presidente afdeling. Laastens, maar nie die minste nie, het Teghan die stoeiers ore aangesit in die o/15 Griek Romyns onder 68KG met brons, en neem ook 4de plek in met die vrystyl afdeling. Die Ermelo Stoeiklub nooi graag alle belangstellendes om navraag te doen en betrokke te raak by dié sport. Alle ouderdomsgroepe is welkom om aan te sluit. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Easter fun at reimagined Veltman Park

    Easter fun at reimagined Veltman Park 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 6 April 2021 If you’d like to get involved in this project, feel free to contact Maryke on 079 917 4306, or Silvija on 082 905 7272. The Msukaligwa Business & Community Forum (MB&CF) recently unveiled their plans to rehabilitate the dilapidated Veltman Park in De Bruin Street. The organization aims to repair and add many features that had been lost over years of neglect, and the fun-filled egg hunt showed off the potential of the park. Laughter and excitement filled the air on Saturday, as Veltman Park crawled with eager Easter egg hunters. The MB&CF envisions a safe and peaceful area where residents can enjoy themselves without the hooliganism and drunken tomfoolery of unruly and lawless residents. Ben Greyling of Sakuma Engineering had offered to construct new playground equipment, with Neil Mattieson of Tidius Garden Services tending to the shrubbery. Ermelo Phoenix Rotary Club and various other roleplayers are involved in the project, who will be thanked in an upcoming article that will detail the plans for the park. The MB&CF had also categorically stated that it has measures that will be put in place to prevent loitering and public drinking in the park, and to ensure that it is a safe area for children to enjoy themselves. If you’d like to get involved in this project, feel free to contact Maryke on 079 917 4306, or Silvija on 082 905 7272. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • AfriForum water-uitslae laat wenkbroue lig

    AfriForum water-uitslae laat wenkbroue lig 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 12 January 2022 “AfriForum se nasionale blou-en-groendruppelprojek fokus op die stand van dorpe se drinkwater- en rioolaanlegte." AfriForum het in 2021 verskeie dorpe in Mpumalanga se water getoets om die gehalte van dié dorpe se drink- (bloudruppelstatus) en rioolwater (groendruppelstatus) te bepaal. “Ons kon vasstel dat al die dorpe in die provinsie se drinkwater aan die minimum standaarde voldoen en geen skadelike bakterieë bevat nie. AfriForum sal die watergehalte deurlopend toets want inwoners het ’n grondwetlike reg tot skoon drinkwater,” sê Hennie Bekker, AfriForum se distrikskoördineerder vir Mpumalanga. In Ermelo is beide die drink- en rioolwater as “skoon” bepaal. Hierdie bepaling het altans verskeie inwoners hardop laat skater van die lag, aangesien verskeie dele van Ermelo en die omgewing se waterkwaliteit en toevoer laakbaar is, om die minste te sê. “AfriForum se nasionale blou-en-groendruppelprojek fokus op die stand van dorpe se drinkwater- en rioolaanlegte. Dié projekte fokus nie noodwendig op die toestand van die aanleg self nie, maar wel op die gehalte van die water wat ná die proses as eindproduk in die vorm van drinkwater en behandelde rioolwater gelewer word,” sluit Bekker af. AfriForum versoek elke jaar dat die Departement van Water en Sanitasie (DWS) weer ’n blou-en-groendruppelverslag bekend maak en verwelkom dus dat die Departement vroeër vanjaar bekend gemaak het dat hulle weer die blou-en-groen-druppelverslag gaan opstel om sowel die waterkwaliteit as infrastruktuurkwaliteit in die land te bepaal. As die bewaarder van water kom die DWS nie sy verpligtinge na deur wetgewing toe te pas wanneer munisipale owerhede die skuldige partye is nie. Dit is van kardinale belang dat ons nie ophou om die gehalte van ons drink- en rioolafvalwater toets nie. Ons moet dié lewensbelangrike bron beskerm. Die Tribune ePaper het navraag gerig aan AfriForum rakende die uitslae, en die bleek realiteit van die water in Ermelo. Tot hede is geen terugvoering ontvang nie. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Unsung hero changes lives in Davel

    Unsung hero changes lives in Davel 1/5 Share GK CRONJE 27 April 2021 “I thank God for being with me, and making my dream came true. I like to thank the school principal and the staff members for giving me the opportunity to do so, and my friends and family for supporting me.” A rolemodel and hero to many, Bongani Jonas Mokoena celebrated his 29th birthday with an amazing act of charity. Bongani decided to open his heart, and to celebrate his birthday in a different manner, by donating school uniforms to learners in need at Umfudlana Combined School in the Davel area. This is the same school he attended from Grade R until his matric year in 2011. “I thank God for being with me, and making my dream came true. I like to thank the school principal and the staff members for giving me the opportunity to do so, and my friends and family for supporting me.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Water contamination rumors unfounded

    Water contamination rumors unfounded 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 26 November 2020 According to allegations doing the rounds on social media, the local hospital has issued a notice that the water supply has been “poisoned” with a chemical that affects the lungs. According to allegations doing the rounds on social media, the local hospital has issued a notice that the water supply has been “poisoned” with a chemical that affects the lungs, feigning COVID-19 symptoms. The chain message states that residents should boil the tap water before consuming, as to ensure safety. Speaking to Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM), Ms. Dube investigated the allegations, and confirmed that the chain message is a hoax. Ms. Dube has spoken to the Head of Scientific Services, who, who assists with water testing. According to GSDM, the water tests conducted this month, no alarming or poisonous chemicals have been noted. She also stated that Msukaligwa Local Municipality is not aware of any reports indicating that the water has been contaminated, as no reports from the Department of Health have been received in relation to the allegations. Residents are urged to confirm the validity of such allegations and dubious chain messages before forwarding them to friends and family, causing unnecessary panic. < Previous Article Next Article >

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