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  • 1000Kings Presents Launch Festival | tribune-newspaper

    1000Kings Presents Launch Festival 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 18 May 2021 All are invited to attend the 1000Kings record launch on Saturday, 22 May 2021, from 10:00 - 19:00, opposite the Old Garage and Carwash and Shisanyama, opposite Cebisa School. Media Statement - "Through to the dedication and commitment that has shown by 1000Kings Movement since it's founding in 2012 to empower Msukaligwa Artists and surrounding areas, National Arts Council #NAC has approved the funds to assist the organization to Launch 1000Kings Records due to the role it played to create jobs, and assist local artists to persuade their careers in a professional manner. In this coming event, 13 jobs will be created in a form of performances on the day of the event. Makhosi Nkosi, the founder of 1000Kings Movement, would like to thank all the stakeholders who reached out to embrace this launch, as well as our local radio stations with our local newspaper (Tribune) for being part of this initiative. We will continue to push Msukaligwa local talent and nurture it." All are invited to attend the 1000Kings record launch on Saturday, 22 May 2021, from 10:00 - 19:00, opposite the Old Garage and Carwash and Shisanyama, opposite Cebisa School. COVID-19 Regulations will be enforced. Enquiries: 073 254 6757 #1000kingsMovement #1000KingsRecords < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Errie-atlete presteer tydens landloop byeenkoms

    Errie-atlete presteer tydens landloop byeenkoms 1/2 Share SM HATTINGH 31 August 2021 “Baie geluk aan bovermelde atlete, en baie sterkte met jul voorbereiding vir toekomstige byeenkomste. Die Erries hou julle flinke tred met groot belangstelling dop!” Op 18 Augustus het die Erries se landloop atlete aan 'n landloop byeenkoms te Hoërskool Hertzog deelgeneem. Daar was slegs een byeenkoms vir 2021, en die Erries het hul uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt. Die volgende atlete verdien besondere vermelding: BongmusaVilakazi eindig eerste (seuns o/16), Chester Mpahlele behaal derde plek (seuns o/16), Nicolas Steyn vierde plek (seuns o/14), Mia Steenkamp eerste plek (dogters o/16) en Zané du Plessis tweede plek in dieselfde ouderdomsgroep. Caylin Loock eindig eerste in die afdeling vir dogters o/17. “Baie geluk aan bovermelde atlete, en baie sterkte met jul voorbereiding vir toekomstige byeenkomste. Die Erries hou julle flinke tred met groot belangstelling dop!” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Water contamination rumors unfounded | tribune-newspaper

    Water contamination rumors unfounded 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 26 November 2020 According to allegations doing the rounds on social media, the local hospital has issued a notice that the water supply has been “poisoned” with a chemical that affects the lungs. According to allegations doing the rounds on social media, the local hospital has issued a notice that the water supply has been “poisoned” with a chemical that affects the lungs, feigning COVID-19 symptoms. The chain message states that residents should boil the tap water before consuming, as to ensure safety. Speaking to Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM), Ms. Dube investigated the allegations, and confirmed that the chain message is a hoax. Ms. Dube has spoken to the Head of Scientific Services, who, who assists with water testing. According to GSDM, the water tests conducted this month, no alarming or poisonous chemicals have been noted. She also stated that Msukaligwa Local Municipality is not aware of any reports indicating that the water has been contaminated, as no reports from the Department of Health have been received in relation to the allegations. Residents are urged to confirm the validity of such allegations and dubious chain messages before forwarding them to friends and family, causing unnecessary panic. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • JJ verwelkom nuwe personeel

    JJ verwelkom nuwe personeel 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 23 February 2021 Laerskool JJ van der Merwe is baie trots om vyf nuwe onderwysers by hulle span te kan byvoeg, en wens sterkte toe aan al die personeel vir die jaar. Laerskool JJ van der Merwe is baie trots om vyf nuwe onderwysers by hulle span te kan byvoeg, en wens sterkte toe aan al die personeel vir die jaar. Op die foto staan (v.l.n.r) Success Mashaba (Onderwys-student), Irma Houy (Onderwys-student), Amanda Turner (Onderwys-student), Bianca Sandenbergh (Onderwys-student) en Nico Grobler (Onderwys-student). < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Optimum Colliery tanks due to mismanagement | tribune-newspaper

    Optimum Colliery tanks due to mismanagement 1/1 Share Supplied - DA Media Office 7 September 2022 Currently the mine is under business rescue and its issues are in courts Media Statement - The DA in Mpumalanga is concerned about the devastating economic effects in Hendrina left by the ANC government and the infamous Gupta brothers through the mismanagement and closure of Optimum Coal Mine. Optimum was leveraged out of Glencore’s hands by failing ANC officials straight into the hands of the Guptas’ Tegeta. Because of poor management, the mine which has been operating since 2002, was forced to shut down in 2018 and over 1000 employees and 500 contractors lost their jobs. On an oversight visit to the mine this week, the DA experienced first-hand, the devastating effect left by the closure of the mine on the communities of KwaZamokuhle Township and Pullens Hope. Majority of the people who live in Hendrina and surrounding areas depended one way or the other on a functional Optimum Mine, that is until Jacob Zuma’s ANC and the Guptas took over and brought the mine to its knees. Driving or walking around KwaZamokuhle Township, you meet young people who have lost hope and their livelihood. Many where employed by the mine – or had small businesses that supplied different resources to employees of the mine. There’s also a mushrooming new informal settlement of people who lost their houses when the mine closed down. As for Pullens Hope where the mine is located, it has become a Ghost Town and buildings or flats that accommodated mine employees – have been abandoned and left to ruins. There are also disturbing allegations that “ANC Forums” go around Hendrina, especially in KwaZamokuhle Township, charging desperate job seekers R1000 or R1500 to arrange employment for them on the nearby mines and the Hendrina Power Station. The ANC have failed the communities of Hendrina and surrounding areas. Their mismanagement of Optimum Coal Mine had crippling effects on our economy, our electricity supply and affecting ordinary coal workers who cannot afford to put food on their tables or books in their children’s school bags. Currently the mine is under business rescue and its issues are in courts. Through our counterparts in the National Assembly, the DA will approach the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) to intervene and come up with urgent solutions so that mine can reopen and restore hope to the people of Hendrina. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Erries vergemaklik inteken tydens COVID-19

    Erries vergemaklik inteken tydens COVID-19 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 25 Augustus 2020 Die Tjop-Tjop-toepassing werk deur ‘n unieke QR-kode wat vir elke leerder ontwikkel is. Die leerders se kodes word geskandeer met al die nodige inligting van die betrokke leerder, sy/haar temperatuur en COVID-19 kontrole lys se antwoorde. Hierdie inligtigting word digitaal in gelees en gestoor in die wolk. Te wyte aan van COVID-19, is die inteken van leerders elke oggend ‘n groot uitdaging vir baie skole. Die Erries is egter gerat om ook hierdie uitdaging so vlot as moontlik te laat verloop. Die Noord-Wes Universiteit het ‘n toepassing ontwikkel om die proses van intekening te vergemaklik. Die Tjop-Tjop-toepassing werk deur ‘n unieke QR-kode wat vir elke leerder ontwikkel is. Die leerders se kodes word geskandeer met al die nodige inligting van die betrokke leerder, sy/haar temperatuur en COVID-19 kontrole lys se antwoorde. Hierdie inligtigting word digitaal in gelees en gestoor in die wolk. Hoërskool Ermelo is uiters opgewonde om suksesvol van hierdie toepassing gebruik te maak en so ‘n bydrae te lewer tot tegnologiese vooruitgang. Op die foto word Simphiwe Gama se QR-kode geskandeer. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo stoeiers gemaak van staal | tribune-newspaper

    Ermelo stoeiers gemaak van staal 1/3 Share GK CRON JE 19 October 2021 Die Ermelo Mpumalanga stoeispan het hul staal gewys, en die gemeenskap trots gemaak met puik prestasies tydens die SA’s. Die Ermelo Mpumalanga stoeispan het hul staal gewys, en die gemeenskap trots gemaak met puik prestasies tydens die SA’s. Woldermar Winkler en Lohan van Niekerk, beide o/9, AJ van Niekerk (o/11), Carlo van Staden en WP Human (beide o/13) en Teghan Breytenbach (o/15) het puik presteer, en bewys dat harde werk en dedikasie sappige vrugte werp. Woldermar het brons verower in die Presidente afdeling onder 42KG. AJ het silwer huistoe geneem in die o/11 vrystyl onder 55KG, WP palm brons in vir die o/13 vrystyl onder 57KG, asook 5de plasing in die Presidente afdeling. Laastens, maar nie die minste nie, het Teghan die stoeiers ore aangesit in die o/15 Griek Romyns onder 68KG met brons, en neem ook 4de plek in met die vrystyl afdeling. Die Ermelo Stoeiklub nooi graag alle belangstellendes om navraag te doen en betrokke te raak by dié sport. Alle ouderdomsgroepe is welkom om aan te sluit. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Multi-million Rand white elephant

    Multi-million Rand white elephant 1/5 Share GK CRONJE 17 August 2021 The Pet Dam fence has been reduced to a limp, corroded and rusted husk in less than 3 years, bringing into question the quality of the materials paid for. Circa 2016, Msukaligwa Local Municipality took it upon themselves to erect a fence surrounding the Pet Dam, which would have been part of the supposed reform of the Pet Dam and surroundings. The BetaView fence, which is over 700 meters long, was erected amidst severe disgust and disapproval from the community, and at a staggering cost. Concerns have also been raised regarding the dubious quality of the fence erected. According to BetaView, their products carry a warranty of ten years against corrosive elements. The Pet Dam fence has been reduced to a limp, corroded and rusted husk in less than 3 years, bringing into question the quality of the materials paid for. However, nothing has come of the touted reform project, and the fence has since been left to rust away, being systematically vandalized and damaged. The fence has fallen victim to sever lack of maintenance, with no attempt at maintenance and upkeep from MLM. The point of the fence is now moot, as the fence has been extensively damaged in several sections, and at this time, serves no other purpose than being an eyesore to residents, travelers and tourists. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • FF Plus to approach COGTA amidst Bethal falling apart

    FF Plus to approach COGTA amidst Bethal falling apart 1/1 Share CONTENT SUPPLIED 11 August 2020 Govan Mbeki Local Municipality, which comprises Bethal, Charl Cilliers, Embalenhle, Evander, Kinross, Leandra, Secunda and Trichardt, has become unmanageable due to the great number of towns that have to be provided with services by this municipality. Media Statement - The FF Plus in Mpumalanga has initiated a process to have Bethal, which is burdened with poor service delivery and a general lack of maintenance, established as a smaller, more manageable municipal unit. Govan Mbeki Local Municipality, which comprises Bethal, Charl Cilliers, Embalenhle, Evander, Kinross, Leandra, Secunda and Trichardt, has become unmanageable due to the great number of towns that have to be provided with services by this municipality. For this reason, the FF Plus will send official letters to the provincial MEC for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Mandla Msibi, and to the Municipal Demarcation Board requesting, in terms of the Municipal Structures and Municipal Demarcation Acts, that the relevant municipal borders must be redefined so that Bethal can start functioning as a smaller, independent municipality. Bethal is being treated like an unwanted stepchild by Govan Mbeki Local Municipality, and the town's loyal taxpayers have no access to proper service delivery. During a recent visit to Bethal, it was evident that no attempts are made to address the various problems experienced in the town. Since 28 January 2020, the two large pump stations are pumping sewage into the Blesbokspruit (a tributary that flows into the Vaal River) after another pump was removed and was never repaired or replaced. The Bethal Dam, which was previously used for water sports, is polluted with sewage and people have been warned not to make use of the water source. In some areas, live electric wires are exposed and overground cables are being used underground, which, according to some sources, contributes to the frequent power outages that last up to 18 hours. In the FF Plus's view, a smaller and more locally focused local government system is the answer to poor service delivery. The ANC government has proven time and again that bigger budgets only lead to more mismanagement, theft and corruption and less service delivery for taxpayers. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Extensions turned dumping site as DPWRT fails to deliver

    Extensions turned dumping site as DPWRT fails to deliver 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 29 September 2020 The fiery enthusiasm shown by the DPWRT in 2019, has fizzled in fantastic fashion, and the construction site now has transformed to a refuse dump. All manner of refuse is strewn on site, illegally so. This is a sight for sore eyes, and the multiplying mound of refuse reflects very poorly on a nearby primary school. The Tribune has received complaints from residents in Ermelo Extension 44 and KwaZanele Extension 6, regarding illegal public dumping near the abattoir bridge. This is a slap in the face of reisdents in this area, who were delighted to learn of a community clinic that was to be erected by the Mpumalanga Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport (DPWRT). In mid-2019, sudden preparations and excavations kicked off on site, and the project was touted to be a 24-Hour Community Health Centre, to be constructed by the DPWRT on behalf of Mpumalanga Provincial Department of Health. These two extensions were claimed to be identified to be part of the UISP Programme (Upgrading of Informal Settlements Programme. The fiery enthusiasm shown by the DPWRT in 2019, has fizzled in fantastic fashion, and the construction site now has transformed to a refuse dump. All manner of refuse is strewn on site, illegally so. This is a sight for sore eyes, and the multiplying mound of refuse reflects very poorly on a nearby primary school. Whilst Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) has issued a warning to residents who dump refuse illegally, no heed is paid to the warning. According to information available, no residents who partake in illegal dumping have been reprimanded, nor issued a fine. Enquiries to the DPWRT have yielded no results, and the status of the project is unknown at this time. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Lyfstraf saak weereens uitgestel

    Lyfstraf saak weereens uitgestel Lyfstraf saak weereens uitgestel 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 6 Oktober 2020 ie departement van onderwys gaan ook teen die drie onderwysers optree. Woordvoerder van die departement, Jasper Zwane, sê die voorval is uiters teleurstellend. Die drie verdagtes, Mxolisi Mdakane, Tau Nkosi en Mamatjie Zitha (skoolhoof) staan tereg op aanklagte van aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, sowel as gewone aanranding. Die skoolhoof en twee onderwysers van die Masizakhe Secondary School, het in die landdroshof in Ermelo verskyn omdat hulle na bewering lyfstraf aan vier leerders toegedien het. Hulle is in hegtenis geneem nadat die ouers die saak by die polisie aangemeld het. Brigadier Leonard Hlathi, woordvoerder van die polisie in Mpumalanga, het onderwysers gewaarsku om hulself te weerhou van lyfstraf, omdat dit in die land afgeskaf is. “Dit het tot lig gekom dat die drie betrokke was by lyfstraf van hierdie kinders, nadat hulle nie hul skoolwerk gedoen het nie.” Die departement van onderwys gaan ook teen die drie onderwysers optree. Woordvoerder van die departement, Jasper Zwane, sê die voorval is uiters teleurstellend. Die drie verdagtes, Mxolisi Mdakane, Tau Nkosi en Mamatjie Zitha (skoolhoof) staan tereg op aanklagte van aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer, sowel as gewone aanranding. Die drie het op 2 September 2020 in die hof verskyn, waar borgtog op R1 000 vasgestel is. Hul saak was tot 18 September in die landdroshof in Breyten uitgestel, en weerends uitgestel na 20 November 2020 vir verdere ondersoek. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • FF Plus clamps down on sewage pollution

    FF Plus clamps down on sewage pollution The sewage pollution in Standerton. Bethal has seen its fair share of sewage pollution. The highly polluted Blesbokspruit. The sewage pollution in Standerton. 1/3 Share GK CRONJE 26 October 2020 In Bethal, three of its sewage pump stations have not been functioning for an extended period of time. One pump was removed in December 2019, supposedly for repairs, but to this day it has not yet been replaced. And ever since, sewage has been flowing freely into the Blesbokspruit. The pollution is so serious that toilet paper and grey water are visible from a bridge, 12km outside of town, that runs across the tributary. The FF Plus has lodged a complaint with the acting chief director of Environmental Affairs, Land and the Green Scorpions in Mpumalanga, Ms Pamela Ntuli, about the constant and serious sewage dumping in the province. There are quite a number of areas in the province that raise serious concerns about the failure of municipal infrastructure. The municipalities' ineptness has resulted in natural resources being flooded with untreated human waste, which will have a long-term negative impact on the environment as well as the people living there. In Bethal, three of its sewage pump stations have not been functioning for an extended period of time. One pump was removed in December 2019, supposedly for repairs, but to this day it has not yet been replaced. And ever since, sewage has been flowing freely into the Blesbokspruit. The pollution is so serious that toilet paper and grey water are visible from a bridge, 12km outside of town, that runs across the tributary. At Mbombela Local Municipality, Hazyview, slime dams were built, but it does not prevent large amounts of waste from ending up in the world-renowned Sabie River. At Lekwa Local Municipality, Standerton, not even an interdict obtained from the High Court in 2018 against the Lekwa Municipality could put an end to the pollution seeing as the infrastructure is not being properly maintained and repaired. Large volumes of sewage water end up in the Vaal River due to the laxity of these municipal officials. At Emalahleni Local Municipality, Witbank, reports indicate that very few of the sewage plants in Witbank and Kriel are still functional, and that the sewage that ends up in the Olifants River will in the long run have a destructive effect on the environment. It is estimated that at only one of the non-functional sewage plants, at least 26 million litres of sewage water end up in the Olifants River every month and as a result, the Witbank Dam, Loskop Dam as well as other dams in the catchment area are polluted. “This problem must be addressed at once. The FF Plus is of the opinion that that the Green Scorpions must implement the necessary intervention strategies to combat the pollution and must also determine how much damage has already been done to the natural resources. The FF Plus will put pressure on the provincial ANC government to immediately take action against the individuals who are failing to do their duty to maintain infrastructure and whose responsibility it is to ensure that sewage water is treated and does not pollute natural resources.” < Previous Article Next Article >

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