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  • Gross service delivery failure while grants remain unspent

    Instances like these are extremely concerning in a province with huge infrastructure backlogs because it robs deserving residents of much needed service delivery. A municipality which is in financial distress can never be in a position to deliver services to its residents. Gross service delivery failure while grants remain unspent 1/4 Share GK CRONJE 21 September 2021 Instances like these are extremely concerning in a province with huge infrastructure backlogs because it robs deserving residents of much needed service delivery. A municipality which is in financial distress can never be in a position to deliver services to its residents. The shocking negligence from Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) regarding the maintenance of the sewer system in Ermelo and surrounding areas, leaves many residents to grimly deal with raw sewage, and the stench and health risks associated with clogged sewer pipes. The sewer system in President Fouché Avenue has been neglected to such an extent that raw sewage bubbles from the manholes on an almost weekly basis. This area has been in the spotlight since 2014, and even earlier, where complaints are filed weekly but no hearing is given from MLM. No actual effort is made by MLM to solve the problem. To the bitter frustration of residents in the face of this mess, MLM, as well as ward councilors, wash their hands of it, with the relevant department of MLM half-heartedly unblocking the sewer pipes, instead of taking immediate action and solving the bigger problem of the infrastructure. MLM has even gone as far as to dig trenches to divert the sewage to the middle of the field, a tactic which has failed, as the sheer amount of sewage overflowing from the network lines the streets and soaks the fields and wetland. The Democratic Alliance (DA) has also taken notice of the ballooning sewage pollution from MLM, and now calls on the Mpumalanga provincial government to intervene and help municipalities like eMalahleni and Msukaligwa as they are financially distressed and not in a position to deliver proper services to residents. “As revealed in the 2019/2020 Auditor-General’s (AG) report, Msukaligwa Local Municipality faces deepening financial crises which makes it difficult for them to provide services to residents. The AG noted that the municipality incurred a net loss of R76 348 177 during the financial year 2019/2020, and also that the municipality’s current liabilities exceeded their current assets by R923 548 805. Msukaligwa Local Municipality has either faced infrastructure backlogs, or projects were completely abandoned. Failure to spend their Conditional Infrastructure Grant (MIG) is also a cause of great concern. The situation is even made worse by the fact that there is lack of monitoring and oversight from provincial authorities. Msukaligwa Local Municipality has not utilized 95% of the Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant. Instances like these are extremely concerning in a province with huge infrastructure backlogs because it robs deserving residents of much needed service delivery. A municipality which is in financial distress can never be in a position to deliver services to its residents. The DA will write to the MEC of COGTA, Busisiwe Shiba, asking her to intervene and assist the municipality.” Residents only have to be content with the faint excuse that they blame the constant problems on the fact that many homes are being illegally built and extended, without the approval of a building inspector or town planner. Other excuses include a lack of finances, lack of tools and machinery, and a series of other ridiculous bogus stories. MLM has also indicated in the past that expanding the number of residents is obviously overloading the already dilapidated sewer system. This is of little comfort to residents, and the complaints, investigations and the fact that MLM has been fingered as a main polluter of the Vaal Dam, rolls off the municipality like water from a duck’s back. See more photos and videos on our Facebook page, Tribune Ermelo. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Vuurwapen amnestie word verleng | tribune-newspaper

    Vuurwapen amnestie word verleng 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 4 Augustus 2020 Die polisie het gesê geen vrywaring word toegestaan vir vuurwapens wat gebruik word om enige misdaad te pleeg nie, en alle vuurwapens wat ingehandig is, sal ballisties getoets word om te verseker dat dit nie gebruik is in die pleging van misdade voordat dit vir vernietiging oorweeg kan word nie. Onwettige vuurwapeneienaars kry 'n tweede kans met die nuwe vuurwapenperiode wat sal duur tot 31 Januarie 2021. Die vorige amnestietydperk was vanaf Desember verlede jaar tot Mei vanjaar, maar is deur die COVID-19 pandemie in die wiele gery. Die SAPS glo dat daar baie meer vuurwapens daarbuite is wat nog oorgegee moet word, en het die beperkings op Vlak 4 en 5 van grendeltyd verhinder dat mense hul onwettige, ongewenste en ongelisensieerde vuurwapens en ammunisie inslaan. Dit het die minister van SAPS, generaal Bheki Cele, genoop om die parlement te nader om 'n nuwe aansoek van 'n amnestietydperk van ses maande goed te keur. Die goedkeuring van die nuwe aansoek is sedertdien op 31 Julie vanjaar in die Staatskoerant gepubliseer, waardeur alle mense met onwettige of ongewenste vuurwapens sowel as ammunisie dit by hul naaste polisiekantoor kan inhandig. Die polisie het mense aangespoor om hierdie periode te benut om hul vuurwapens en ammunisie in te dien vir vernietiging, of hernuwing van 'n bevoegdheidsertifikaat en 'n geldige lisensie. Die jongste statistieke oor nasionale misdaad toon weereens dat vuurwapens die voorkeurwapen in die pleging van die meeste geweldsmisdaad was. Die vermindering van die sirkulasie van vuurwapens kan die plaag van geweldsmisdade heelwat verminder, en die amnestie van die vuurwapens beoog om 'n verminderde aantal vuurwapens wat onwettig besit in die land in omloop te sien. Dit bied dus vuurwapeneienaars die geleentheid om onwettige en ongewenste vuurwapens in te dien, wat sal lei tot die voorkoming van misdaad en die bevordering van veiligheid om te verseker dat mense wat in Suid-Afrika woon, veilig is en voel. Die polisie het gesê geen vrywaring word toegestaan vir vuurwapens wat gebruik word om enige misdaad te pleeg nie, en alle vuurwapens wat ingehandig is, sal ballisties getoets word om te verseker dat dit nie gebruik is in die pleging van misdade voordat dit vir vernietiging oorweeg kan word nie. Vir navrae oor vuurwapenamnestie, kontak 012 353 6111, of stuur 'n e-pos na . < Previous Article Next Article >

  • MLM classified as dysfunctional

    MLM forms part of the 31% of municipalities countrywide that are classified as dysfunctional. MLM classified as dysfunctional 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 28 September 2021 MLM forms part of the 31% of municipalities countrywide that are classified as dysfunctional. Municipalities are tasked by the Constitution to structure and manage their administration, budgeting and planning processes to be able to carry out service delivery in a timely, acceptable, efficient and fitting manner. This is not the case for many targeted municipalities in Mpumalanga, which includes the floundering Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM). MLM has been fingered in governance performance reports as being classified as dysfunctional. This means that MLM, along with 3 other municipalities, are viewed as high risk in light of service delivery and management failure. In total, seven municipalities are under scrutiny by the National Department of Cooperative Governance (COGTA). This entity has announced Municipal Intervention Plans, which is focused on underperforming and distressed municipalities within the Gert Sibande District Municipality’s area of governance. The lack of capacity in local government is a recurring theme as is the lack of impact on the current initiatives. The Department plans to put in place priority interventions jointly with SALGA and LGSETA for coordinating support, capacity building and training initiatives to ensure that the necessary impact is realized. During the stabilization phase, the Department will engage with National Treasury to facilitate the reprioritisation of the capacity building grants to implement immediate priorities. The Department will also deploy financial technical capacity in targeted districts to improve financial management. Technical support will be provided in several areas, including the roads and storm water drainage, energy, water and sanitation, solid waste, revenue enhancement as well as the construction of roads. However, the continued failure to effect turnarounds in several municipalities requires further more intensive, dedicated and radical interventions. Several of these municipalities, including MLM, either misuse or fail to implement and manage the MIG funds, and implement the infrastructure projects that will improve the lives of the people. The report also states that the overall performance of these municipalities is below expectations. MLM forms part of the 31% of municipalities countrywide that are classified as dysfunctional. The report also states that the situation within these municipalities indicate that there is limited inhouse experience for managing infrastructure projects, handling tender documents and meaningfully interacting with contractors. There is also limited scheduled maintenance of infrastructure taking place. These challenges make it difficult for municipalities to spend the funds they obtain from national government to assist them with infrastructure development. It has been advised that the dysfunctional, high risk municipalities, namely Msukaligwa, Lekwa, Govan Mbeki and Dipaliseng Local Municipalities all be placed under administration. This advisory is still under consideration by the MEC. Mkhondo and Dr Pixley ka Seme Local Municipalities have been classified as medium risk, while Chief Albert Luthuli Local Municipality has been touted as low risk. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Service delivery failure steals renaming spotlight

    MLM announced the submitted proposals, but was met with a scourge of dismay and irritation from the majority of residents. Service delivery failure steals renaming spotlight 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 2 February 2021 MLM announced the submitted proposals, but was met with a scourge of dismay and irritation from the majority of residents. The embattled Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM) recently requested proposals for name changes to several council owned buildings, which includes the Ella de Bruin Halls, Ermelo Civic Centre, Sports Inn, Cassim Park Library and various other buildings in Breyten and Davel. MLM announced the submitted proposals, but was met with a scourge of dismay and irritation from the majority of residents. Dissatisfaction has been displayed regarding the service delivery within Msukaligwa, questioning the logic behind the renaming of these buildings. While some names make sense, one resident jokingly commented, asking is Andrew Mlangeni even knew about Ermelo. This light-hearted banter is overshadowed by negative feedback, with complaints including non-working street lights, which have been left for years on end, the dismal state of the roads in Ermelo, Wesselton, Sun City and Breyten. However, the star of the show is the infamous 88kVA line, which, according to MLM, is at the root of the daily electrical issues in De Bruin Park, Nederland Park, Cassim Park, John Vorster Park and parts of the business district. Conflicting reports from MLM regarding this cable has seen the light, with one department claiming that the cable isn’t under pressure, whilst other departments claim that the cable and substation are being overloaded, thus causing the rolling blackouts and electrical failures. The Tribune has sent an enquiry to MLM regarding these issues. At the time press, MLM ignored the lodged enquiry. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Hoërskool Ermelo stel nuwe adjunkhoof aan

    Sy het ‘n aansteeklike passie vir die Erries, en haar omgee hart is die groot dryfveer agter alles wat sy aanpak. Hoërskool Ermelo stel nuwe adjunkhoof aan 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 2 March 2021 Sy het ‘n aansteeklike passie vir die Erries, en haar omgee hart is die groot dryfveer agter alles wat sy aanpak. Me Erna Schoeman is al vir langer as 25 jaar deel van Hoërskool Ermelo. Vandat sy in 1994 permanent as onderwyser aangestel is by EHS, het sy saam met die Erries gegroei, en op vele gebiede bygedra tot die vooruitgang van Hoërskool Ermelo. In 2016 word me Schoeman aangestel as departementshoof vir Engels. Haar liefde vir die vak, vir netbal en vir die leerders is duidelik te sien in haar toewyding wat sy ten toon stel. Me Schoeman is vanjaar aangestel as Akademiese-adjunkhoof van Hoërskool Ermelo. Sy het ‘n aansteeklike passie vir die Erries, en haar omgee hart is die groot dryfveer agter alles wat sy aanpak. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Update: MLM budget announcement

    Malaza stated that substantial amounts are being paid to Eskom, servicing an account that, according to him, may not be settled in the near future. Update: MLM budget announcement 1/2 Share GK CRONJE 15 June 2021 Malaza stated that substantial amounts are being paid to Eskom, servicing an account that, according to him, may not be settled in the near future. Amidst all-time high dissatisfaction from residents, and a new low in service delivery, the IDP budget has been announced by Msukaligwa Local Municipality (MLM), and has been slated as a multi-year budget. The MLM executive mayor, Cllr. Mkhaliphi, delivered the budget announcement, and subsequently outlined the state of the municipality. He admitted that the municipality is currently in a mixed state, and that several backlogs have been ameliorated due to the purchase of new equipment. According to Mkhaliphi, MLM will no longer rely on private service providers for fault finding and other services and that service delivery will be fast tracked. According to the report, MLM acquired, since 2019, 15 new vehicles, a compactor truck, a sweage suction tanker, 2 TLB heavy machinery vehicles and 2 vehicles for traffic management. According to Mkhaliphi, this will reduce expenditure on contractors. However, water delivery to rural areas are still maintained by hired vehicles. The acting municipal manager, SI Malaza, further stated that with the assistance of Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM), the municipality has aquired 5 water tankers, a bulldozer for the landfill site, a waste compactor truck, crane truck, a TLB, 6 light delivery vehicles and 1 traffic vehicle. He further stated that the municipality struggles with ageing infrastructure, insufficient maintenance budget, as well as issues with revenue collection. MLM is currently implementing a financial recovery plan to enhance revenue. Another major setback involves electricity, cable and copper theft, as well as arson. Malaza stated that substantial amounts are being paid to Eskom, servicing an account that, according to him, may not be settled in the near future. According to the latest know figures, MLM has an arrangement of R180 634 883 with Eskom, with R35 000 000 already paid, and R145 634 883 being outstanding. It is unclear how these figures were calculated, or if these amounts are the interest or the capital amount owed. According to the last known report, MLM owed Eskom R172 million in August 2020. According to the MLM spokesman, Mandla Zwane, the municipality is on schedule with the arrangement between MLM and Eskom, and has stated that the NMD has remain unchanged since the court order forcing the lowered NMD to be restored. Find the detailed layout of the IDP in next week’s publication of the Tribune ePaper, including the services covered by MIG, departmental and WSIG funds. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ligbron groet oud-Liggie onderwyseres | tribune-newspaper

    Ligbron groet oud-Liggie onderwyseres 1/2 Share SH HATTINGH 29 September 2020 Verskeie boodskappe het net gewys in hoeveel mense se harte die Roodt egpaar werklik in geklim het, en watter lewenservaringe elke persoon van hulle geleer het. “Rus sag, Anita. Jy gaan baie gemis word.” Die afsterwe van Juf. Anita Roodt op Sondag, 27 September 2020, lê swaar op die Liggies se harte. Anita het ‘n groot rol in die gemeenskap gespeel, en voor haar aftrede saam haar man, Herman Roodt, het hulle baie diep spore in Ligbron getrap. Vele oud-Liggies maak steeds melding van die invloed wat dié egpaar in hulle lewens gehad het. Juffrou Anita was 'n legende in haar tyd, en was baie bekend vir die musiekblyspele wat sy saam met mnr. Herman by Ligbron so suksesvol aangepak het. Die Liggies dink met die grootste waardering aan haar terug, en bid vir haar geliefdes troos en sterkte toe. Hené Swanepoel ‘n oud-Liggie het so ‘n spesiale boodskap op Anita se Facebook blad gelos, en dit het presies vir Anita beskryf, en hoe baie mense haar gesien het: “Liewe Jesus het gekies om vandag hierdie legende te kom haal ❤ Liefste juffrou Roodt, juffrou was nog altyd my rolmodel in die onderwys, mag ek juffrou se fantastiese gees op kultuur vlak en met tieners voluit voort leef in my onderwys jare!!! So bly ons kon laasjaar vir oulaas lekker kuier!! Rus sag by Jesus!! Love you always❤ ”. Verskeie ander boodskappe het net gewys in hoeveel mense se harte die Roodt egpaar werklik in geklim het, en watter lewenservaringe elke persoon van hulle geleer het. “Rus sag, Anita. Jy gaan baie gemis word.” < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Ermelo SAPS needs your assistance

    SAPS Ermelo requests the assistance of the community with regards to murder investigations currently ongoing. In the first investigation, Linda Nkosi (30) was stabbed ten times at the Sasol Garage on Saturday, 24 April 2021, at 01:30. The stabbing followed a fight with another male suspect over a girlfriend. In the second investigation, Bheki Mabuza was found with three stab wounds on the shoulder, and passed away at Ermelo provincial hospital. Anyone with information regarding these events can contact D/Cst Mkwanazi on 017 819 2321/082 373 8389. Ermelo SAPS needs your assistance Ermelo SAPS needs your assistance 1/1 Share SH HATTINGH 27 April 2021 The stabbing followed a fight with another male suspect over a girlfriend. SAPS Ermelo requests the assistance of the community with regards to murder investigations currently ongoing. In the first investigation, Linda Nkosi (30) was stabbed ten times at the Sasol Garage on Saturday, 24 April 2021, at 01:30. The stabbing followed a fight with another male suspect over a girlfriend. In the second investigation, Bheki Mabuza was found with three stab wounds on the shoulder, and passed away at Ermelo provincial hospital. Anyone with information regarding these events can contact D/Cst Mkwanazi on 017 819 2321/082 373 8389. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Cecilia het jou hulp nodig | tribune-newspaper

    Cecilia het jou hulp nodig 1/17 Share SH HATTINGH 20 October Ongelukkig is sy egter op Saterdag, 17 Oktober, deur Igagu mediese personnel na die privaat hospitaal toe gehaas. Haar suster, by wie sy aansterk, moes die wonde skoon maak, maar het opgemerk dat die wonde oornag slegter geraak het. Cecilia Earle, ‘n jarelange inwoner van Ermelo, was op Donderdag, 8 Oktober 2020 betrokke in ‘n tref en trap ongeluk met ‘n swaar motorvoertuig. Cecilia is dadelik na die provinsiale hospitaal geneem vir behandeling. Sy is op Vrydag, 16 Oktober, ontslaan uit die hospitaal ,waar mens kon sien daar is vordering in haar wonde se genesing. Ongelukkig is sy egter op Saterdag, 17 Oktober, deur Igagu mediese personnel na die privaat hospitaal toe gehaas. Haar suster, by wie sy aansterk, moes die wonde skoon maak, maar het opgemerk dat die wonde oornag slegter geraak het. Toe sy by die hospitaal aankom, het sy flinke diens van die mediese personeel ontvang, en is in die hospitaal opgeneem. Tydens ‘n besoek aan Cecilia op Maandag, 19 Oktober, het sy gesê sy voel goed, en dat die personeel mooi na haar omsien, net soos sy in die Tribune uitgawe van 13 Oktober gesê het van die personeel by die provinsiale hospitaal. Cecilia het haar man gedurende grendeltyd aan die dood afgestaan, waarna sy na haar seun en dogter moes omsien. Die gesin beskik nie oor ‘n mediese fonds om te help met al die mediese onkostes nie. Die Tribune het dit goed gedink om ‘n trust fonds te stig vir die mediese onkostes. Die gemeenskap word versoek om hul harte oop te maak, en by te dra waar hulle kan. Die trust fonds is as volg: PWG Prokureurs, Eerste Nasionale Bank, Ermelo, Takkode: 270344. Die tjek-rekeningnommer is 52180048278. Barmhartige samiritane moet asseblief E745/Earle gebruik as verwysing. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • GSDM hosts cleanup in Carolina

    This year’s Nelson Mandela International Day was held under the theme: “Do what you can with what you have and where you are”. GSDM hosts cleanup in Carolina 1/7 Share GK CRONJE 19 July 2022 This year’s Nelson Mandela International Day was held under the theme: “Do what you can with what you have and where you are”. The bustling Kerk and Voortrekker Streets in Carolina were given a much-needed facelift during a clean-up campaign led by the Gert Sibande District Municipality (GSDM) Executive Mayor, Cllr Walter Mngomezulu, joined by the MEC for Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental affairs Ms. Busisiwe Shiba and Executive Mayor of Chief Albert Luthuli Municipality Cllr Dan Nkosi and local mining houses as part of the Nelson Mandela International Day celebrations on Monday, 18 July 2022. Heaps of litter was removed from the sidewalks and by-ways with shoppers and motorists urged to take good care of their immediate environment. Soon after the clean-up campaign, Cllr Walter Mngomezulu and delegation took time to spend time with senior citizens from surrounding farms at the Carolina Town Hall where the life and times of the late former statesman were celebrated. The senior citizens were showered with presents, which included blankets and food parcels as well as gardening tools and manure for them to start communal fruit and vegetable gardens. This year’s Nelson Mandela International Day was held under the theme: “Do what you can with what you have and where you are”. < Previous Article Next Article >

  • Geen gedwonge inenting vanaf werkgewers | tribune-newspaper

    Geen gedwonge inenting vanaf werkgewers 1/1 Share GK CRONJE 22 June 2021 “Voorts is elke persoon ingevolge ons Grondwet op liggaamlike integriteit geregtig, wat beteken dat elke persoon dan ook die reg het om oorwegend self te besluit oor enige moontlike gesondheids- of mediese intervensies.” Enige algemeen-geldende besluit om inenting verpligtend te maak, sal onwettig wees. Solidariteit het ʼn omvattende regsmening van eksterne advokate bekend gemaak wat wys dat enige eensydige besluit om inenting verpligtend in die werkplek te maak, nie in ʼn hof sal steek hou nie. Solidariteit het ook met ʼn omvattende proses onder sy lede begin om ʼn mandaat te kry om enige sodanige algemeen-geldende besluit van werkgewers om inenting verpligtend te maak, te beveg. “Volgens die regsmening is dit duidelik dat werkgewers binne die arbeidsregsraamwerk moet funksioneer, en dat dié raamwerk nie voorsiening maak vir verpligte entstoftoediening aan werknemers nie,” sê dr. Dirk Hermann, bestuurshoof van Solidariteit. “Voorts is elke persoon ingevolge ons Grondwet op liggaamlike integriteit geregtig, wat beteken dat elke persoon dan ook die reg het om oorwegend self te besluit oor enige moontlike gesondheids- of mediese intervensies.” Solidariteit voer aan dat terwyl sommige proponente van verpligte werkplekinenting graag aanvoer dat die werkgewer ingevolge die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en Veiligheid (No. 85 van 1993) sodanige reg het, skryf die wet egter voor dat daar ʼn behoorlike konsultasieproses met ʼn werknemer moet plaasvind, en dat alle moontlike remedies eers uitgeput moet word alvorens ʼn werkgewer drastiese stappe mag oorweeg. “Nadat ons deur navrae oor verpligte inenting by werkplekke oorval is, het ons die regsmening ingewin. Volgens die opinie is dit duidelik dat die voordeel van keuse sterk ten gunste van ʼn werknemer sal wees,” verduidelik Hermann. “Dit is eenvoudig onwettig vir ʼn werkgewer om ʼn werknemer te verplig om ingeënt te word, en daar kan selfs geargumenteer word dat dit strafregtelik en grondwetlik inbreuk maak op elke individu se persoonlike reg tot liggaamlike integriteit. Ons sal nie huiwer om ons lede met die volle mag van die reg te beskerm, indien werkgewers sulke drastiese besluite neem nie,” sluit Hermann af. < Previous Article Next Article >


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