Tegnologie vir die toekoms

4 May 2021
He’s the co-founder of “The Deep Learning Indaba”, an organisation whose mission is to strengthen Machine Learning & Artificial intelligence in Africa.
Ulrich Paquet, oud- Ermeloër, het ‘n baie insiggewende gesprek met die Graad 11' s en 12's gehad oor sy interessante vakgebied, en wenke met hulle gedeel wat hulle kan help op hul pad na sukses. Ulrich Paquet is a South African Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning veteran, with over 10 years experience and service. He took some time to talk to the Grade 11 and 12 learners about his interesting area of expertise. He’s the co-founder of “The Deep Learning Indaba”, an organisation whose mission is to strengthen Machine Learning & Artificial intelligence in Africa.
Ulrich holds a PhD in Machine Learning from the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory, and had worked at several tech companies such as Microsoft, where he developed the core of Microsoft recommender system, managed a team at VocallQ which was later acquired by Apple, and recommender team for XBOX (a definite highlight; the XBOX One launch). He is now a research scientist at Deepmind, the world’s leading centre for research in artificial intelligence.