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Armed robbers meet their match with ACSU

Armed robbers meet their match with ACSU


26 July 2022

“Well done, ACSU. You are always there when we need assistance."

While the majority of focus was fixated on the ongoing court case at the Ermelo Magistrate’s Court, wily criminals took the opportunity to stage an armed robbery at Ackermans at the Wesselton Boxer Complex. While they thought it might be a clean getaway with valuable loot, the blistering fast armed reaction from ACSU utterly foiled their plans. According to available information, four armed suspects entered the establishment with the intent of an armed robbery. One of the suspects feigned interest in the displayed cellular phones, whereafter he drew a firearm and pointed it at the employee. He further demanded cash from the registers, and that all cellular phones be put in bag. The suspects ordered the store manager to the back of the store.

After the store manager activated the panic button, ACSU arrived within a matter of minutes, at approximately 13:00. According to reaction officers, all seemed normal upon arrival, but when officers approached the store, one of the employees stated that armed suspects were present inside the store. Reaction carefully entered the store, whereafter the suspects panicked and opened fire on ACSU, who returned fire. According to Mr. De Jager from ACSU, an approximate 40 rounds were fired. ACSU reaction officers suffered no injuries, but two of the four suspects were severely injured. One suspect was brought down inside the store, while a second attempted to flee via the back of the shopping complex, but was also taken down by ACSU reaction.

The suspects were transported to medical facilities by Provincial EMS, whereafter one of the wounded suspects succumbed to his injuries. SAPS investigators recovered two firearms used by the suspects on scene, as well as the loot they intended to make off with. Bystanders at the shopping complex jeered at the wounded suspects as thy were tended to by EMS, and lauded the swift and stern reaction by ACSU. “Well done, ACSU. You are always there when we need assistance. Your quick reaction and non-nonsense approach has saved the community and businesses thousands of Rands in damages. We feel safer knowing that you are always alert and willing to help. You truly are the best in the business,” one resident stated.


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